Saturday August 12th
at Grace Christian Fellowship
Mental Health Awareness & Support Seminar & Talk // 5:00pm
Darkest Before Dawn Walk // 8:30pm - Sunrise
The first annual Darkest Before Dawn Walk is a practical, group event that mirrors the experiences that many individual's deal with every day.
The walk will be long, dark, & tiring (which is what individuals experiencing mental health issues feel every day). However, we believe that with the help of others, the sun will rise and hope will be restored!
Prior to the night walk, there will be a panel discussing the resources & programs in our community that support mental health and addiction for both youth and adults. Our goal with the one-hour seminar is to create a ripple effect of awareness by providing information on various community resources and programs that can then be shared with others. The more awareness and knowledge people have about mental health, the greater the number of people that can be helped! It starts with awareness and grows with support!
Service & support organizations attending will be announced closer to August 12th as well finalize the last of our special guest.
Fundraising will begin July 31st - August 12th for 2 special programs who will be attending Darkest before dawn. If you are interested in helping with fundraising, attending the seminar, or joining the walk, please contact scottmclelland1@hotmail for more information.