In communities, we are practising the way of Jesus, together.
Church is more than a two-hour gathering on a Sunday. Church is not only a crowd gathered around a stage, but a Community sharing life around a table. Grace Communities are the primary way that we practice the way of Jesus, together, in Centre Wellington.
Our vision at Grace is rooted in a three-fold conviction about the centrality of God’s Kingdom, God’s Family and God’s Mission in our lives (see Vision & Values booklet). We believe that our maturity comes about as a result of people pursuing these things together in tension. What that means is that we believe that seeking God’s Kingdom is not a singularly UPwards pursuit, but one grounded and expressed by living IN a family that is OUT on mission. In fact, we realize that having one (like the UP) or even two aspects of our faith (like the UP & IN) without the balance of the other(s) is not enough. Our goal is to have a community engaged and growing in all three realities. We believe Missional Community is the best way for Grace to experience and grow into a Kingdom Family on a Mission.
Practicing the Way of Jesus: As disciples of Jesus, we make it our aim to be with Jesus, become like Jesus, and do what Jesus did. Through teaching, practice, community, and the Holy Spirit, we are learning what it means to be a disciple, or apprentice, of Jesus.
Together: As the family of God, we take time each week to eat together, pray together, and share life together. It is in this ordinary rhythm of life in community that we become transformed to look like Jesus.
In Centre Wellington: As missionaries to our communities, we proclaim the good news of Jesus and do justice in our city. All Grace Communities are neighborhood-based. As we live and work in the city and share life in the same neighborhood, we partner with God to see the Kingdom of God come in Centre Wellington as it is in heaven.
For more information on our various groups click on any of the images below!
Do you have questions about Communities?
Are you thinking about starting a Community group? Let’s talk.